Our Story
In 2003 Claire Clinton, (the Borough RE Advisor), began writing and delivering RE lessons for her sons’ school - Park Primary in Stratford, where she is now a regular visitor.
In September 2008 Faith in Schools received a Small Grants Fund to employ a part-time co-ordinator for the project. This enabled Faith in Schools to expand the work of teaching RE in a number of primary schools across the borough (4 at that time).
In January 2010 Faith in Schools received a grant to employ Carol Baynes as an administrator and worker for the project for 2 days a week (in term time), and in April 2010, a grant to employ for one year Vicky Borthwick to be another schools worker. These funding developments have led to us now being regularly in 15 schools across Newham. But we want to be in more schools and train up more local Christians and churches to feel able to go into their local primary schools.
We then appointed a new position – a 3 days a week schools worker in and around the 8 primary schools in Stratford.
Ann Buckingham, the Head Teacher at Park Primary has this to say about us:
"Faith In Schools' has proved a valuable resource here at Park, as it has enabled children to meet and talk to 'real life' Christians. Children are able to ask questions and share experiences with the visitors who are always friendly and professional. Sessions are always well prepared and are planned around the agreed syllabus so work well with what teachers are currently looking at in lessons.