What We Do
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Our Work in Schools​
Over the last 20 years, Faith in Schools has reached hundreds of thousands of children in Newham of all faiths and none.
Last year we shared the gospel with more than 30,000 pupils in their schools and facilitated churches in hosting 4000 children at Christian events.
We work in over 53 schools delivering free, high-quality RE lessons supplemented with volunteers from local churches to present the authentic 21st century Christian experience.
We continued to create opportunities for pupils to learn about Christianity and meet local Christians live online during the 2020/21 COVID pandemic. Even during lockdown we worked with 15,000 pupils offering RE and PHSE sessions to support the recovery curriculum.
Faith in Schools has written over 40 lessons in line with the Newham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. These have been adapted for live online delivery and published as RE:Covery (PHSE) and RE:Discovery (RE) to support other churches across England support their local schools.
If you are a school in Newham, we can enhance your RE lessons on Christianity for FREE. We offer session all the way from EYFS (Nursery & Reception) up to Year 11.
If you are interested in hearing more about our work, or are a school and would like to see one of our lessons or church visits, please contact Rachel@faithinschools.co.uk