Sharing Faith in Schools
“Sharing Faith in Schools” is a national school’s work programme for churches to engage with the 8 million* children and young people who do not come to church, and to strengthen partnerships with their local schools.
This is not just training. This is about putting learning into practice - a bit like an apprenticeship. We work with you and your church intensively for one year to equip and resource you for schools mission. We will build on your experience with bespoke 1-2-1 support. We provide you with sessions plans, consultancy, strategic targets and project management review, practical experience as well as training.
The SFiS programme is designed to help you to make measurable progress towards your mission goals. We including placements and shadowing and will develop your skills and confidence in sharing your faith, to establish or develop your own project with a partner school.
Is there a local school you would like to have a stronger partnership with?
Do you want to strengthening links between family, school and church to strengthen faith?
Would you like your church to develop confidence in sharing their faith and explore opportunities to do so?
Are you struggling to meet or reach the children and young people in your community?
As we come out of COVID, schools work is a well-established mission opportunity for the church to go out and reach a generation who are not coming in. Faith in Schools has been supporting Christians and churches of all denominations across England, even during lockdowns and school closures we have still been able to engage with schools.
Applications for 2021/2022 are open now - see our brochure below for further details.