A £150 annual subscription to provide you with all the lessons, resources, training and support to do it yourself
In 2019 we are 15 years old. To celebrate we intend to share our teaching resources and lessons, offer training and support, and invite churches to build on our success in their own local schools with confidence.
Through an annual subscription of £150, your church has the opportunity to be part of the solution in reaching the 95% children in the UK who do not ‘do church’ or have regular contact with Christians.
In partnership with us, we are committed to see you empowered to reach a lost generation who will not have the gospel worldview as the foundation in their lives.
“But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it?”
Roms 10:14 MSG
In return for your annual £150 subscription, you will:
Be provided with what you need to run RE lessons on Chrstianity in your local schools with the support and testimony of Christians from your church.
Receive training on working with children appropriate to their age group.
Have the opportunity to shadow Faith in Schools and have us observe and feedback on your classroom practice
Be able to access our resources of proven high-quality lessons and materials, approved by a borough RE Advisor
Receive updates to resources as they are published, including encouragements, webinars, assembly and volunteer training, video and virtual learning resources
Join a community of Schools Workers via our network forum
Resource us to equip and train other churches in supporting their local non-Christian schools with RE lessons on the authentic Christian experience
Resource our continuing local mission in Newham’s schools, to reach the 61,000 children in Newham with the good news of Jesus
For an additional £250
Get support with how to approach your schools and consultancy in adapting our resources to meet your local school context
Unlimited email and phone support
Volunteer and Assembly Training and DBS £Negotated by appointment
Contact for a quote for us to visit you to train volunteers from your church to appropriately share their faith in schools
We also offer assembly training